Season’s Squeezing ~ 19 Jun 2020

Greetings and as the solstice is upon us, here’s to season’s squeezing. It’s a fact, everyone, yes everyone, feels the squeeze and pressures of the time. Depending upon your hemisphere of residence, you soon witness either the shortest or longest day of the year marked with the lowest or highest travel of the Sun in the sky. There’s a feeling that goes with the solstice season shift. It’s a mixed bag... I need to get out there and get in my groove... maybe I should hold back for just a bit... after all, at the apex of the solstice it doesn’t seem that the motion of the Sun changes all that much.

Within the next day or so the solar eclipse along the Cancer-Capricorn axis takes place. This supercharges the need for action, perhaps without the inclination for forethought and preparation.

So there’s a lot to unpack both with the turning tide of the season and the stimulation of the solar-lunar polarity and the transits at hand. Everyone’s in this. Everyone’s feeling the squeeze. Does this excuse bad behavior and poor performance? Not at all. It’s merely a reminder that everyone feels the celestial gravity as reflected in the real world and personal life, and they respond as they do.

The key is to be aware, conscious (especially given the blocking of the light of El Sol who represents the conscious mind), attentive, considerate and impeccable. So, let’s step through a few of the influences at hand and provide tidbits of insight... sort of like the whisper of the wind, or listening to pure instinct and intuition.

First up, through the day, the Sun in Gemini is aligned with the lunar north node. Cool. Reset time. Remember there is a mission to this incarnation. What was the reason for plopping into a body on Earth anyway? Might have seemed like a good idea up there on pink clouds in the sky, but damn this life stuff on this planet is intense. Reset your mission. Your big mission. That which fills the sails of the soul with cosmic propellant. While you’re sailing about, remember that everyone else believes she/he/they have a mission, too. Sometimes those missions are not in alignment with yours and if proximity and cooperation are to be maintained, respect for all incarnation missions is a good thing - in fact, it’s mandatory. With Gemini, it’s key to realize what the other party believes and why. It’s a fact that they do believe that way. And you believe as you do. Both things are true and nonexclusive.

The key to the solar eclipse in Cancer is to realize that when hurt feelings and knee-jerk reactions kick up, it’s because there is the perception that the others in your life appear to be opposing parties. It seems they stand in your way. They insist that you pursue something different - their agenda, not yours. There feels to be a lack of respect and consideration. The reset returns to the Sun to Node. Make sure you’ve declared your mission statement and that others hear it without imposing a change of agenda upon you. That’s an awesome starting point.

Jupiter and Pluto continue to inch closer to yet another conjunction in Capricorn. Jupiter most recently squared Eris. While it may feel others don’t “get” you, take a moment here to ensure you get yourself. What do you believe? What do you really believe? Is what you believe serving your purposes and ultimately rendering more contentment in life? If no, change is required. This stands as a great time to revamp beliefs to perfectly fit your deepest, innermost needs and desires. Consider that in the waning days of Venus retrograde this is more important than ever.

Sure enough, Venus, the rarest of retrogrades, lasts only another five days. She wants to know what you really want. Really, really want. Are you okay wanting that? Are you okay recognizing your needs? Venus urges you to wrap around desires whether justifiable or not. This is a time in which clear comfort with your want/need axis is required. Venus realizes that uncertainty about the okay-ness of what you seek will be a factor in how you respond when what you’ve been affirming to manifest shows up. When what you’ve been asking for shows up, stop asking and take it. Plain and simple.

Yep, Mercury’s retrograde. Combine all the rap on Mercury’s retrograde ledger and it reeks of inconsistency with the time. We already know the eclipse might circulate impulsive, emotional reactions. We know that Mercury’s reversal tends to breed careless blurting. The cautions are the same as every Mercury retrograde. Think before communicating. Is the message poised for send or on the tip of your tongue consistent with all the good you seek to accomplish? Tune and tweak the transmitters and ensure that the receivers are really receptive.

One more notation and it’s a bit more of curious, subtle galactic influence. The alignment of the eclipse is conjunct the Solar Apex. This is sort of a tugging to get the Sun to go off on a tangent from its tracking around the Galactic Center. What does this mean? Focus on good humor. Focus on mirth. Notice the irony everywhere. When irony appears, it’s a fine-tuning mechanism that can make subtle adjustments to the potentiometers of purpose. When irony rings a chord within, check for full and proper tuning. It could be a cosmic signal. And by the way, it could be time for some mindless humor or pure, time-wasting entertainment. Such a reset might prevent going off on wayward tangents.

That’s enough for now. There will be more soon.